Post by email Shortcodes Special shortcodes can be embedded in your email to configure various aspects of the published post: [category x,y,z] [excerpt]some excerpt[/excerpt] [tags x,y,z] [delay +1 hour] [comments on | off] [status publish | pending | draft | private] [password secret-password] [slug some-url-name] [title Your post title] [end] – everything after this shortcode is ignored … Continue reading Post by email


Really we only need at few things to actually live day-to-day in relative comfort. If we can ensure everyone gets the basics and then share the luxury items, things would be better.  But this has implications on commerce and the economy. Library Sailing Books: Clothes: 5x underwear (including 1x exercise) 5x socks (inc. 1x exercise … Continue reading Possessions