Why Bill Gates and Warren Buffett say your friends are crucial to your career

Why Bill Gates and Warren Buffett say your friends are crucial to your career Your social life impacts your professional life more than you may think. http://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/08/why-bill-gates-and-warren-buffett-say-your-friends-are-crucial-to-your-career.html?utm_content=buffer81b0f&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Does Depression Have an Evolutionary Purpose? – Issue 45: Power – Nautilus

Does Depression Have an Evolutionary Purpose? - Issue 45: Power - Nautilus I had a tough time in high school. Like many other young adolescents, I saw myself as fundamentally flawed, and felt a searing isolation.… http://m.nautil.us/issue/45/power/does-depression-have-an-evolutionary-purpose

What if the purpose of love is to get us out of relationships, not into them? — Quartz

What if the purpose of love is to get us out of relationships, not into them? The most memorable lecture of my college career was the one in which biological anthropologist Melvin Konner asked a room full of impressionable undergraduates what the purpose of love could be. Theatrically, he let a few of us answer. … Continue reading What if the purpose of love is to get us out of relationships, not into them? — Quartz

Impulsive, disorganized or a perfectionist? Here’s why you don’t get things done | World Economic Forum

Impulsive, disorganized or a perfectionist? Here's why you don't get things done Psychologist Tim Pychyl looks at your personality and procrastination. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/12/these-are-the-types-of-people-most-likely-to-procrastinate-according-to-an-expert?utm_content=buffer9bda0&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer